
An integrated web-based platform for molecular descriptor and fingerprint computation

Connectivity descriptors (44)

1 0Xv Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10
2 1Xv Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10
3 2Xv Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10
4 3Xpv Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10
5 4Xpv Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10
6 5Xpv Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10
7 6Xpv Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10
8 7Xpv Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10
9 8Xpv Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10
10 9Xpv Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10
11 10Xpv Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10
12 3Xvc Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for three cluster
13 4Xvc Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for four cluster
14 4Xvpc Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path/cluster
15 3XvCH Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for cycles of 3-6
16 4XvCH Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for cycles of 3-6
17 5XvCH Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for cycles of 3-6
18 6XvCH Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for cycles of 3-6
19 0X Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10
20 1X Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10
21 2X Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10
22 3Xp Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10
23 4Xp Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10
24 5Xp Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10
25 6Xp Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10
26 7Xp Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10
27 8Xp Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10
28 9Xp Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10
29 10Xp Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10
30 3Xc Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for three cluster
31 4Xc Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for four cluster
32 4Xpc Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path/cluster
33 3XCH Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for cycles of 3-6
34 4XCH Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for cycles of 3-6
35 5XCH Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for cycles of 3-6
36 6XCH Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for cycles of 3-6
37 mChi1 mean chi1 (Randic) connectivity index
38 knotp the difference between chi3c and chi4pc
39 dchi0 the difference between chi0v and chi0
40 dchi1 the difference between chi1v and chi1
41 dchi2 the difference between chi2v and chi2
42 dchi3 the difference between chi3v and chi3
43 dchi4 the difference between chi4v and chi4
44 knotpv the difference between chiv3c and chiv4pc

Visits since Mar 3, 2015

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School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Central South University. All rights reserved.

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